How about considering a Career in the Collegiate Event, Expo or Trade Show Industry? Use the P.E. PRO Career Interest Match Analogy tool to discover if a career in the Event industry compliments your Career interest, talent and skill set abilities. Get connected to P.E. Polished Professional Event Training online Course to get trained and Certified for a Career as P.E. event course trainer or to receive training in one of the niche careers in this category. You can begin the process here by ordering one of the Event Elite Polished Professional online training courses. Start by getting matched to the event theme that interest you. If you are undecided or need help with your niche category theme decision, use our event match analyzer to assist you with your decision. To participate in any of P E Pro, The Truth Solution Expos or Trade Show events as a P.E. Event coordinator, event Planner, or event vendor. To start as a P E Pro marketer you must be registered, Trained and licensed as a P.E. Certified Polished Professional or Polished Entrepreneur. P E Pro Certification ensure that Elite Professionals provide TTS customers with an elite professional quality of service. P.E Income Booster connects CPE to evens in your area.