C.P.E. CAREER MATCH Pro, Talent Training Systems which includes Assignment Training CD Course manuals, resource tools and C.P.E. connections. You Decide which Career Match suits you and whether to complete the training at home with an online Trainer, at a career course meet in your area or a combination of both. P.E. Career Match Campaign Training Systems has categories for Office Pro, Supply Tech, Market Elite, Collegiate Event, Mall & Market P.E. Campaigns and More. Get Trained, Get Certified and listed in the C.P.E. State Data Base as a Certified Polished Professional Contractor with membership access to our family of companies who have gauranteed contracts for C.P.E. graduates. Meet Group Career match category prep training meets are recommended to provide you with the guidance to relavent and acurate information about the programs and to help you complete the training with clarity and get connected in your Career Category.