The Pineapples listed in The Truth Carts are herbaceous biennial or perennial plants in the family grown for its edible fruit. ... This fruit, known as a pineapple, has a tough rind made up of hexagonal units and a fibrous, juicy flesh which may be yellow to white in color delivered from the stores that you trust. In the event stores are out of stock and may or may not be available in other TTS has backup TTS supplier stores. The description information listed originates from content providers research, producers, manufacturer or government publications and reflects the most recent information provided by such entities. Product packaging, labeling, formulations and ingredient sourcing can change at any time and TTS may not receive up-to-date information regarding such changes; thus, TTS cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information provided and you should not rely on this information. Rather, you are encouraged to read the product labels to obtain the most accurate and up-to-date information. Any prices shown are effective as of today and are subject to change on a day by day basis. Neither TTS, its content providers nor the manufacturers assume any liability for inaccuracies, misstatements or omissions.