ISC TASK TRAINING!                          IBO CERTIFY!                                     A CAREER STAR!,                                    A CAREER STAR!

TTS has made getting Career Specific Task Training as a CIC and IBO Certification Easy
TTS has everything you need to get started.
Here's How It Work!


1. Create an Account

It's Free to Create a profile to Join TTS Business Community,
Connect to TTS IBO News, Supply Classifieds, Service Business Pros, People,Places and Things


2. Back Ground Check

Signup as a Business Pro, Schedule a consult to select the Service Business Opportunity that's a fit for You.


3. Non Disclosure Agreement

Sign a non-disclosure agreement. This is when you get to access all of the names of the prestigious client opportunities available! TTS Prep Pros will help you with selecting a Business type, Membership type, Partner agreement Forms and Sign a non-disclosure agreement.


4. Submit Your Company Information

Enter your company’s EIN or that of the company you will be working for. Order and confirmation process must be complete Before any supplies, products, programs or membership packages are shipped. To Learn More call 1.866.606.7101


5. Select a Client

Review the available client opportunities available, and select one that works for you and your company. Be sure to review the Opportunity Announcement, which provides all of the important details about each client project. Create a profile to Join TTS Business Community,
Connect to TTS IBO News, Supply Classifieds, Service Business Pros, People,Places and Things


Client Certification

Enroll in a certification course that works with your schedule. These are highly specialized, instructor-led online courses. Most come with a fee that ranges from $50 to $250. These courses are required by clients and provide details about the client’s systems and the requirements of the particular program.Signup as a Business Pro, Schedule a consult to select the Service Business Opportunity that's a fit for You.


7. Contract

Sign a Statement of Work (SOW) for each client program you, or your agents, choose to service. SOWs are generally three months in duration.Request A TTS Biz Prep Pro Consultant to Answer Questions and help you with online and Call in Member orders. TTS Prep Pros will help you with selecting a Business type, Membership type, Partner agreement Forms and Shipping Details


Confirm your Membership & Supplies Order

Order and confirmation process must be complete Before any supplies, products, programs or membership packages are shipped. To Learn More call 1.866.606.7101

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